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Telehealth Therapy

Why Telehealth?

Telehealth Therapy means the delivery of health care services through the use of interactive audio and video technology. Our platform is HIPAA compliant, in order to protect your privacy and confidentiality. Our technology is at no cost to you. There are many reasons to consider engaging in telehealth including the following:

  • Time; you are less constrained with time if you do not have to commute to and from the office. Often clients are able to meet on their lunch breaks or later in the evening when a commute is not necessary.
  • Transportation; if unreliable transportation is an issue, you no longer have to worry as you can meet from the comfort of your own home.
  • Weather; if weather is bad, you can choose to continue to hold session from the safety of your own home.
  • If you are traveling for work or leisure, you may have the opportunity to continue to meet with your therapist *(This is state specific based on individual state laws and regulations).*
  • Most insurances cover this service at no additional cost to you.
If you have questions about how to use this technology, or if this services is covered by your insurance company, we are happy to answer any questions.

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